Monday, June 5, 2017

What is in a name? The creation of [Praxis]ical Mathematics

What is the core principle that governs your practice?

With the creation of this blog, I once again have to answer this question.  For me, I always seem to return to the idea of praxis.  I first discovered the concept in the book Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire.  Praxis is the balance of action and reflection.  For instruction, this means that the students actively engage with a task while still taking the time to reflect on the implications of mean of those actions.

[Praxis]ical Mathematics is my attempt to balance the actions that I have taken as a student of the Portland State University Elementary Mathematics Instructional Leader program and the David Douglas Math Leadership Team with the reflections that these actions have inspired.  It is my goal to represent my thinking, develop my thinking, and make great errors in reasoning on this public space.  The hope is that through my ramblings that other may find inspiration for improving their math instruction.

With this brief statement of purpose, let the praxis begin.